Ambiente 2023

The Ambiente 2023 fair in Frankfurt was an important milestone for our company this year.
The goal this year was to showcase the new KEDEN brand of household products.
After spending several years developing the KEDEN brand, we are proud to present our complete range of bins and waste segregation systems, including the latest products of the Systema, Systema Q Collect and Systema set lines in trendy colours and practical sizes.
Our shelves were also stocked with the Compacta Q Basic line, which was expanded to include a version with a lid, Compacta Q Sort set in the typical colours used for waste segregation, Compacta Q Plus, Compacta R in a new version, stackable segregation bins Kaddi Q and Stackbox Q with a brand new look and many other new products that can be found on the KEDEN website.
We also included our collection of plantpots and garden accessories, which were very popular among our guests. We found some space to highlight our Kistenberg toolboxes, which were very popular with the fair-goers and our customers.
View a photo report of the event and a short video.